
Police Chief of Traffic pleads with Public Works for Road Rehabilitation in Monrovia.

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Police Chief of Traffic, Prince Davies is calling on the Ministry of Public (MPW) to ensure there rehabilitation of the road leading from Duala to Vai Town on Bushroad Island to ease traffic constraints.

Commissioner Davies stated that the road leading from Duala to Vai Town is in a very deplorable condition which is impeding traffic flow in the area.

He observes that the road condition is leaving people to stay hours in traffic just between Duala and Vai Town, causing workers and business people not to get to their various places on time.

The Traffic Chief emphasized that due to the bad condition of the road, police have introduced new traffic regulation to help reduce the trafficspeciallyduring the morning and evening hours.
‘’Between 7am to 9am, we have all the cars that are heading towards Duala to use the Garnerville road and come out to the JamaicaRoad Junction; and then the cars heading towards town can have the full lean to reduce the traffic and help people get to town on time.” He asserted.

The Police Traffic Chief, further stated that it would be very important if Public Works could put rocks in the pop holes, to ease the flow and acceleratenormal business operations in the area.

When contacted, the Ministry of Public Works, Public Affairs chief,Jusufu Keita, decline to comment on the issue.

House passes US$40m road financing agreement

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The House of Representatives has rectified a Financing Agreement Act between the Government of Liberia and the International Development Association, for the  expansion of a 4.5km road from ELWA to the commercial district of Redlight.

Financing Agreement Act, which is valued at US$40,000,000,  to upgrade and rehabilitate a 4.5km ELWA to Redlight Road, including the construction of an intersection at ELWA, thus completing the Monrovia through Gbarnga to Ganta Highway.

Speaking at Thursday’s Session, the House’s Chairman on Ways, Means and Finance Rep. Prince K. Moye reported that the instrument is also geared towards ensuring that there is constant maintenance of the Monrovia – Gbarnga – Ganta Highway over the period of ten years.

He says in addition, it is intended to support the government of Liberia’s effort in reducing the cost of road transportation from Monrovia to Ganta and to the Guinea Border and to maintain the road in good condition over the stated period.

Rep. Moye says the instrument will create the opportunity to rehabilitate, upgrade, maintain periodically and routinely and install proper mechanism for control of road right of way from Monrovia strict to The Guinea Border.

According to Moye, based on the agreement, [repayment] is due on each June 15 and December 15 and will begin June 15 2023 up to and including December 15 2054 at the rate 1.5625% of the principal amount of the credit.

“I will not disappoint you”-Rep. Candidate Emmanuel Dahn tells residents


Representative candidate of district N0. 7, Montserrado County, Emmanuel Dahn, has promised to remain committed to advocating for the people of district N0. 7, Montserrado County, as he had done over last years when elected as Representative of district N0. 7.

Dahn, stated that too many times people come asking for representation and when they are afforded the opportunity to serve, they disappoint the very people they once came bagging to lead.

“ I tell you today people of Gurley Street, salt beach and its environs, I shall not let you down as some did in the past. You can trust me because I have done it before and I shall continue to do same when you elect me as representative of this district N0. 7.”

He congratulated members of the Media Old Timers who hosted an endorsement football match in his honor and expressed gratitude to all members of the Press Union of Liberia who continue to work to ensuring Media Old Timers stay alive.

“To my fellow colleagues in the media, I am so grateful to you all for coming out in your numbers today go show such enormous solidarity and I am very sure that you have a well-placed trust in me that’s why you also have join the call with residents of district N0. 7, to elect me as their next representative on October 10, 2017.”

For his part, Vice President of the Press Union of Liberia, Octavin T. Williams, a founding member of the Media Old Timer, on behalf of the President of the PUL, thanked all members of the Media Old Timer, for their continue unity in spreading peace through football.

“ I see you all here today, which reminds me that in union success is sure. For some years now when the ideal of Media Old Timer stated a lot said that we will not make it; that group will not live long; but here are we today three years running and we are still together.” VP Octavin asserted.

VP Williams, used the occasion to remind all Journalist to remain champions of peace through the coverage of their various news articles during the fourth coming October elections.

He stated that the elections in October, mark a significant period for Liberia and it is required of all including the Media to ensure there is no violence by guiding and reviewing their various news contentto facilitate peace.

The days activities was climaxed with a soccer match between youth of Gurley Street “salt beach”/PHP community and the Media Old Timer Association, as skipper-Representative candidate Emmanuel Dahn scoring a hat-trick.

Pres. Debate Mere-political show -Oscar Cooper blast DDC Planned Debate


Outspoken Margibi County Senator, now Independent Presidential candidate “ Oscar Cooper Xperience” Senator Oscar A. Cooper has blasted planned Deepening Democracy Coalition (DDC), debate as a mere-political show to favor a few so-called political elites.


Senator Cooper, stated that the debatewhich scheduled to be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at the Paynesville City Hall outside of Monrovia, offers nothing significant to the body politics of Liberia when its objectives are exclusion and favoritism.


“ Our country is on critical path to transition and all parties regardless of big or small are very significant to participation and most be afforded those opportunities as contained in the process of free, fair and transparent elections but when some excluded especially twice for national debate than it poses a issues of side-taking”. Cooper asserted.

The Deepening Democracy Coalition (DDC) is the organizers of the first Presidential debate  that served invitation to the first top six candidates including the Dr. Joseph Mills Jones of the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE). Senator George MennehWeah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Vice President Joseph Boakai of the governing Unity Party (UP), Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine of Liberty Party (LP), Alexander Benedict Cummings of the Alternative National Congress (ANC),  and Benoni Wilfred Urey of the All Liberia Party (ALP).

Independent Presidential candidate , stated further termed action to exclude him and other presidential candidates from the public interaction with the selection of those previously invited to the first round of the Presidential debateby the convenersas unfair and undemocratic.

In a disappointed mood Senator Cooper stated that each that was approved by the National Elections Commission to contest must be given the platform to tell the people of Liberia their respective party agenda for transformation, but regrettably a few had been selected

“Every candidate that has been approved by the National Elections Commission to contest must have the opportunity to tell the people of Liberia their platform, but if you select a few then it is not democratic.”

“So for that reason, we are saying that this particular debate is not like John Kollie debate, John Kollie invites everybody that is fairness, that is transparency because the people of this country, whether you get money or you don’t get money, the people must have the opportunity to listen to their candidates to see what their platforms or visions they have for this country” Senator Cooper noted.

He asserted that the selection of few candidates allegedly on the basic of wealth and or being considered as top candidates in the elections is intended to deny the Liberian people the opportunity to listen to all the Presidential candidates contesting in the October 10, 2017 representatives and Presidential elections.

Senator Cooper wonders why the Deepening Democracy Coalition (DDC), chose to exclude him despite his status as a sitting Liberian senator that was elected with 36 thousands votes as compare to some of those selected for the debate that have no history of obtaining elective position in Liberia.

The Margibi tough-talking Senator boasted that he is more prepared and has Margibians as his constituent rather than some of the selected Presidential candidates invited for the debate.

Attorney LamiiKpargoi, the Executive Director of the Deepening Democracy Coalition or DDC has announced the next and perhaps the final round of the Presidential debate scheduled to be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at the Paynesville City Hall outside of Monrovia.


VP Boakia receives Massive Welcome in River Cess Co. Citizens promised 1st round win for UP

Vice President and Presidential candidate of the ruling Unity Party, Joseph N. Boakai along with vice Standard bearer Emmanuel Nquay, over the weekend received arousing welcome from citizens and partisans of River Cesscounty.

VP Boakai and delegation who could not continue driving into the city center of Cestosdue to momentous chanting-crowdapproached, disembarked their respective vehicles joining the parade through the beautiful city of Cestos.

VP Boakai thanked citizens and partisans of River Cess County for the display of unity in purpose to see Liberia transform through the election of Joseph Boakai and Emmanuel Nquay come October 10, 2017.

The UP standard bearer, stated that the Unity Party under his presidency will ensure farm to market roads for people of River Cess, and the development of basic infrastructure, such as the supplies of pip-borne water and electricity throughout River county and other counties adjacent.

His Excellency Joseph Baokai, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia and standard bearer of the Unity Party taking a walk through the principal streets of Cestos, wavedwith  chanting onlookers zealously jubilating and singing various pro-Boakai songs like “ Boakai , there’s no one like.” “Boakai, we love ohhh.” “Boakai, Only one round”.

It can be recalled on September 16, the ruling Unity Party held locked down  Monrovia and its environswith crowd converging onto the Antoinette Tubman Stadium where a national campaign launch was held.